Monday, February 23, 2009

Killing me with kindness

I have come to the conclusion lately that sometimes I am too generous.  I hit rock bottom this weekend. I was furious with the world for life being difficult, unfair.  But I climbed back out late Sunday and realized there are little reasons as well as big to want to live life, and be thankful and joyful in it.  Maybe these are all just generalities but in this instance I don't think that makes them less true. At any rate, sometimes I kill myself over the kindnesses I offer others.  I offer them because I believe in life's beauty, but when my generosity and efforts are discarded, or unnoticed by human or fate alike its a morale killer and morale was definitely low this weekend.

My life is a carousel of shit right now, but at the same time, maybe it's a carousel of diamonds -- life's lessons are priceless after all aren't they?  And difficult situations build character.  Make great paintings.  Interesting stories to tell at the bar. . .

Look I am eating caramel delights. I feel better already.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

sick day

Today I had a sick day. I could feel something coming on yesterday, but thought maybe it was just dry air.  But as I tossed and turned all night I realized I was coming down with something.  So instead I stayed in today, but it was a close call as Wednesdays are one of my shorter days I almost justified a six hour school day plus gym as not that tough. But waking up was hard enough so I did myself a favor and I am happy to report that I am glad I did. It was a mental health day as much as a sick day I think since my life lately has been, to put it mildly, complicated.

So watched Lie to Me, The Office, some youtube stuff, chatted with a beauty school friend and drank hot tea and even got in a hot bath in our newly scrubbed out bathroom thanks to Ashley.

Am tired of the mouth breathing though, my lips are really dry. Bummer dude.

Friday, February 13, 2009

new hair

the photo is a little melodramatic. but i think my shower curtain gives it a post modern feel.

went to pisgah brewery last night. i managed to not get drunk and try running but i still got a hangover. so i went to school and did absolutely nothing but get my hair done. and then i went to the gym and sweated purple. (the bottom of my hair is purple all the way around)

going to work tomorrow. blar. life.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009

john adams snow day

So last Wednesday I had a snow day.  It was tremendous.  In the morning I read a book and played with Bella and Pablo. Then I drank copious amounts of hot tea and chocolate. Then I made a really delicious potato soup with many extraordinary embellishments. Then Joe, Ashley and I watched a marathon of John Adams, the HBO series about the man of the same name. If you haven't seen it I'd suggest you watch it, it's awesome, very well researched and to top it off engaging and entertaining.  A bit gruesome but I guess that was the time period. We are living in a bit more tame era, although we deal with cancer the same way -- barbarically. Anyway, that factoid will make sense if you watch the last episode.
Check out Bella's mouse obsession and then aversion to snow.

Last night I drug Ashley to a work party I had for a departing stylist at Beauty Parade. Morgan, who is my grandmother's stylist of choice, is moving to Austin for better prospects and because Asheville can be pretty stagnating.  As Ashley aptly concluded, my coworkers are all very strong personalities, which may explain why I find them very exhausting, although I do enjoy their company.  Then Ashley and I hit the town, going from Ed Boudreux because our mutual friend Brent was bartending, to Fred's Speakeasy, a shabby but cozy basement bar where a friend of ours was strumming.  The great thing about Fred's is that they give very generous liquor shots in all of their mixed drinks, and all of their mixed drinks are four dollars. Which explains my hangover today. Below is in my kitchen around 3am last night.  I don't recall making this video or what my intention was -- besides capturing my experience as I apparently keep repeating.

Ashley and I have been hanging out a lot more since we are newly 'single'.  I confessed to her that I really wanted to make a point of hanging out less with Joe, even though it's fine that I do, it's just that mostly I don't. Mostly my schedule is school, work, the gym, errands, and then home.  Once home I find myself in perplexingly the same situations that I did when Joe and I were dating and it's becoming difficult to move on.  I know what you're thinking, why doesn't he just move out, well if he could just move out then he would probably have a fairly large sum of money in order to pay rent and deposit at another location, and if that were true he would have probably also had enough money to get his license straightened out, and pay for his own groceries, and be fairly independent of me and probably would still be going out with me.  Or maybe he could move in with family? Let's not even go there, this is not where I wanting this blog to go anyway. If I had $10 for every time someone asked why he doesn't move out I would have a large sum of money that I might be tempted to help him move out with.  But seeing as how I am rarely reimbursed for revealing mundane knowledge about my life, I remain with my complicated downstairs tenant.  Besides I'd rather have an ex-bf I get along with than a random person.

Anyway, post break Ashley is more of a rager as far as going out and socially masks her pain by inviting new ones in, ie is already inviting old flames to come hang out, like this weekend.  I am not against moving on, in fact I am all for it, but I have come to realize that in a lot of ways when our life fucks up, and we ask ourselves why, we usually only have ourselves to blame. That pretty much sums up the situation a la this weekend with ex-flame. But, fate has shown that I am often a poor judge, so maybe this is unfair of me, and this will be really good for all involved.  We shall see.

Ashley is one of my best, closest friends although we don't often stop and ponder to each other how important we are to each other -- I have a kernel of sadness, and its growing day by day, to know that she is going to be moving back to Maryland next August.  Ashley to me has always been one of the extraordinary people in my life that I always thought was beyond reach because they are so extraordinary that I am unable to understand what they would get with hanging out with silly, bumbling, raving me.  At least that's what I thought when we met 6? or maybe even 7 years ago now.  We've had some great adventures and now it seems we are handling the dissolution of our relationships at the same time but in vastly different ways.  My break-up is simmering away but never quite evaporating, where hers packed up and left in the night weeks before she physically left.  Ashley was dumped, I am the dumper.  We have perspective to give each other.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the videos. It was my hungover on Sunday project. Wee.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I was really excited to blog about something tonight but now that I am sitting in front of this blank screen I am at a loss for words.

Tonight when I was driving home from my Grandmother's, as the 'snow storm' was starting to spit down I was looking for an adjective to describe my present state of mind/mood.

And there it was on the commercial license plate in front of me. 


I have so many concerns right now, from my evolving relationship with my ex-boyfriend, to the dramatic and dynamic school environment (talk about negative energy), to my petty annoyances at my grandmother, to money, to neighborhood psychopaths, to hackers infiltrating some division of division of Visa which my bank uses and now I am getting a new pin and debit card -- to wondering at the future and watching the days slipping by wondering if I am on the right path.

Maybe now is my "archetypal" moment in my story to doubt my intentions. Everyone at Beauty School seems to be.

We got a new teacher there, Ms. Campbell, like the soup. She is Jamaican, which I think is cool but she definitely is not like any Jamaican on the coconut rum commercials (which is the extent of my knowledge of Jamaica). We definitely got the most conservative Jamaican. She even said today that she likes order. Needs routine. Structure.

So here we go, a whole new architect, we reassemble ourselves for whomever is in charge.

I actually think she is an excellent teacher, pushes you and if you follow through you can accomplish a lot.

But you can imagine the growing pains to get there.  Especially from 'lax-ville where for the last three weeks of school I have been doing whatever live performances I want despite the syllabus because we really had only a skeleton of direction. (Live performances are salon services you have to complete along with contact hours to get your license.  I have somewhere around 150-200 to do before graduation, but time, it sneaks up on you...)

My small class of 14 is hemorrhaging with at least 4 or 5 girls wanting to transfer to the private beauty school or to drop out completely.  You'd think a program with so much to hammer out as far as logistics might make student turnover a number one priority.

Seriously, beauty school is hard. Really desperately hard.

And no one understands this because they are like, "Oh, beauty school, yeah."

Sigh. I am too tired to even communicate the difficulty. I would take another four year degree any day. A four year degree in Anthropology and Psychology. Over hair. Because it would be easier.

Then there is my depressed friend who is more absent than not. I see the depression as a chasm between us, she gets more and more self involved with her "disease" and less and less involved in anything else.  She is on her Welbutrin, first day today and says she thinks she feels better but maybe it's too soon to tell. Today she left at 10:30 because the dr. at the health dept said there might be a side effect of nausea at first. Might be.  She left because she might have gotten nauseous.


I mean, feeling better the first day you take a mind drug sounds like placebo affect to me.  Sometimes I think higher medicine is mind over matter and most people are as happy as they make their minds up to be anyway.  But again I will admit to being uneducated in the world of medicine, and depression.  I mean, I've gone to therapy for a year and a half now and not once ever has my therapist ever recommended any type of pill and yet my friend's therapist recommended it right off the bat.  We probably have different problems. I am just so puzzled. And quick to judge without all the facts. But anyway.

Then my ex-partner. Who lives with me. I think I am in a quagmire.  I am well known for my inability to break up with my partners, I would rather be dumped but I am continuing my engagement in rejection despite this fact.  Most of the time we get along fine but sometimes the claws come out. And I have to re-dump, even though we haven't re-gone-out. It's the proximity and being pretty amiable friends most of the time thing.  I am in this weird limbo. I hate this.

I guess what I am saying is I am tired.  And I missed the bachelor* last night for a dumb fight, dumb and petty and heartbreaking and passionate all at the same time fight. Sigh again.

*Don't judge me for liking trashy television. I am an intelligent, articulate lover of celebrity smut and filth, mainly because it's ironic and I don't really have to care, I just get to pretend and be relieved that at least I am not living my life like that. 

The money would be nice though.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

every little thing is gonna be alright (and just ignore those cosmetology bitches)

So I have been away from the blog for what seems like forever and a lot has happened.

Joe and I are doing a lot better, he has found a new job and I think he is feeling really positive about it. We are still broken up and a new job isn't going to fix it.  I think he is accepting our friendship, because in the end, as he put it he "has to accept it".  I feel good about it and have found more Tina time which can sometimes can be a hard thing to fill, but the opportunity is exciting.

My closest friend at beauty school is having a really tough time with depression. I don't really understand depression as a disease, more as a feeling you sometimes have. I keep wanting to tell my friend to just snap out of it, which because I am an empathetic and tactful person I do not, but I do give suggestions like to hit the gym more because that naturally boosts your mood, as well as drinking water (the number one cause of afternoon fatigue -- dehydration) and to spoil yourself and watch a good movie with a jar of olives (something my sister continually recommends when I am upset).

However, my friend doesn't like olives.  

Normally I would take this as a character judgement, but she isn't feeling so well so I will tell her at another time that not liking olives is similar to not like fun, or italians and she may be either a stick in the mud or a bigot.

And I think she found my thought that her depression just added to simple dehydration a bit naive. In my defense she did complain of being chronically fatigued, unable to get out of bed, etc. I'm not a jerk, I just think a lot of Americans are dehydrated.

But she did take up the exercise suggestion and it has helped. However she is still going to the health department to get on Welbutrin (sp?). 
Which is strange to me because she is constantly anxious about getting pregnant with her new bf  and I am always like get on birth control, dude.

But she is afraid of synthetic hormones. 

Hopefully the irony of this statement is not lost on you.

I mean,  isn't Welbutrin and other antidepressants kind of the same thing? I just always imagined that antidepressants can rob of you of something sacred, but maybe if you are depressed chronically something sacred has already been robbed from you.

Prevention magazine also recommends knitting, its meditative mind state helps ease depression symptoms. I mentioned this to her as well, seeing as how I am a vat of  random knowledge.

 I just found the comment ironic. I think she is also afraid of weight gain. Today a girl commented that she looked like she gained a little weight and my friend lost it and went home. 
But why are bitches saying that anyway? I wouldn't tell any of my girlfriends they looked like they had gained weight, unless I was a sadomasochist or something.
Which I'm not. I like eating olives and watching movies. Chihuahuas. Yogurt. Pilates. Kites.
No thanks.

(P.s. If any of you reading this have suffered from depression I apologize, I am just venting and am sensitive to the devastating nature of the disease, even if I don't understand)

Speaking of sadomasochism sans the sado, the other burning topic was that I officially have known (as an acquaintance in my early college years) a serial rapist/potentially brutal murderer. My life is turning into a Lifetime movie!

I didn't know him well, always thought he was annoying and weird. A little full of himself (massive insecurities?) and kind of a pathological liar.  The even weirder thing is that months before when these prostitutes were getting raped and stabbed (And if you don't think a prostitute can be raped shame on you, read Cunt, watch that Charleze Theron movie and change your mind please) they put out a profile, they recruited these out of state profilers, like that tv show The Profiler, except these were from SC because NC just thinks they don't need these kinds of special people, anyway these profilers gave the exact description that I just gave you of this guy, plus that he would live close to where the assaults happen (he does) live alone (does that too) and have an employment situation where he answers to no one as well (checkmate).

  Now that the truth is out I keep thinking that all the weirdos and people who stare or are just giving off the creepy vibe are potential psychopaths.
Seriously, when CSI is done with the remains found in different locations and matches the bags of hair and box of teeth confiscated in his house...
But that could take months. I am so totally grossed out. I can't stop thinking about the girl he "person of interested" might have killed and cut up and thrown in the river.  
I just think about if Liz had gotten to rent that room in the Future of Traditions studio instead of him how things might be different.  I mean he hung out in that place all the time, doing odd jobs, pretending to be normal.  Asheville boasts of being such a progressive community, but no one in that hoity toity fucking stupid arts community even realized that he sexually and physically assaulted his ex-gf. (And you don't think your sig. other can be raped then you must reread Cunt and perhaps take a class in Humanism) It makes me so angry, that whole scene gave off this creative holier than thow above this bull shit but they are in it. They are in the shit.  I feel for them, God, what a violation. That secret double life.

Here is the full gruesome story if you're interested.

I mean this guy hit on me a few times (or in this weird, cocky, I am a woman magnet kind of way that totally backfired because he was awkward and weird, just weird  -- Thank God I was not a complete idiot and followed my bad vibe feel on this one. Its weird that some people say they were surprised by all this -- seriously, I'm not.) We had conversations. We smoked together on a tree beside the river where he may have dumped this prostitutes body years later, maybe he was doing that then, this train of thought could just keep on going. I  gotta stop typing about this, Bella is picking up on my vibe. Chihuahuas are very sensitive. I'm bringing one on my next date.

On a lighter note, I still find watching/listening to my grandmother eat without glueing in her dentures extremely annoying/stomach churning.  I am finding a lot of things she does exasperating and maybe I am losing sight/taking too personally many of things she says, and am also jealous I didn't inherit a large sum of money upon turning 21 so I could fulfill my dream of traveling around the world (think cousins, not grandma, although she does live off of a trust fund) instead of cook my grandma meals, clean house, take to the salon, library, grocery store all because I just don't have enough for gas, even when I was bartending.
However, my friend Morgan had a good point when I told her why I was grumpy (and I am jealous, downright fucking green) that if my mom had it she would would give it to me. And she is right.  But that brings up another point, I am really rich in family, no matter how dysfunctional, awkward and unable to glue their dentures in, I have a great family that will support me and just wants me to be happy and that's not something money can buy.

 But that's why I am in beauty school. To make the big bucks. And travel. Before I am too old. You know I wasn't going to end on too sappy a note.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

the still and empty house

Saturday and all is quiet.  I have come home from work at 6:20 to find the last of my housemates departing.  Alone in the house I think about what I should do and wonder at my solitude, and slowly begin to loathe it.  I think of Saturday nights when I came home and Joe had something cooking, a football game on, a thought to tell me, a hug, a kiss. . . and now I turn on NPR to fill up the house a little more, but I still shudder and choke as I try to eat my food alone.  I don't know where he is, and as of two weeks ago I know longer have any right to know.  The loneliness is sad, isolating save for Bella; but what's more is that it's my fault.  This empty Saturday night is my doing.  I am the reason why he no longer stays at home and waits
for me, to hear how my day is, to eat with me, to watch a movie or on the rare occasion when I had money to spend, or even rarer he did, we would venture out and have a few drinks.

People outside of my decision would say I did the right thing and it's for the best. But the decision sucks and I hate it, but I hated staying in a relationship that drained me too.  Maybe it's change that I am mourning for, or what's worse failure.  At any rate, eating alone, in a still and empty house is an isolating homecoming at the end of my week. And I fucking hate it.

I have tried to post a blog for over a week now and I guess I am having one of those times in life where there is nothing you want to say but there is something you must say.  I have tried to post the below paragraph over 5 times at least and now, with a heavy heart, I think I am ready to do so. I lost something two weeks ago but I have also gained. I guess in time I will be able to better judge the equality of the exchange....

"I write tonight as a changed person.  Recently I have let go of the only man who has ever treated me so well.  The only relationship in which I have respected myself, and was treated with respect in return; but, for many reasons, it's time and I need to be alone and also let Joe find himself.  I haven't written here in a while because I didn't know what to say, indeed only a few persons know.  But it was for the right reasons and I hope those reasons become clearer as the days pass and it becomes easier to comprehend what change really means.  As of right now we are friends, or try to be, and I have never missed so much the person who lives downstairs."

Friday, January 9, 2009

New beginnings hit the pavement running

So Joe and I are both experiencing the new beginnings "tingly" feelings. Like a choice you have resolved to make (or been helped to make) is going to impact your life positively, and probably in fabulous and currently unknown ways.

Joe is registered for 2 classes at AB Tech, a long time dream finally realized.  His first class is this Monday night!  And without the assistance of my mom, me and a host of other supporters this wouldn't be possible. I know he is really excited. He is making a huge vat of chili for celebration.

I myself have joined the YMCA through their financial asst. program -- without a discount this poor student couldn't afford it.  But I have a personal ya ya exercise guru and have even planned out this training schedule and have found some other classes their I am going to take combined with my cardio/strength routine. One of which is Tai Chi to help with some of the Beauty school fatigue I get where I want to stab myself in the eye and anyone else who is in range.  I am also planning on taking Yoga and Pilates, and am attending a Pilates course at AB Tech. 
I may hate Pilates before all is said and done.
Or just be tired of saying it.
Pilates. Pilates. Pilates.

I also had to renew my license today. I feel old.

But not too old to party! Yesterday I went to Pisgah brewery in Black Mtn with Brent and Ashley. Apparently I had too much as I had a serious altercation with the pavement and running. And now have a totally rad knee rip in my favorite pair.  I was also dancing to "I Will Survive". I mean I've got all my life to live. And all my love to give. I will survive. Except maybe not my pants.  

This video survived. But it's only four seconds and fairly unentertaining. I mean I was drunk not a cinematographer.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Carbon steel, calling the law, crafternoon

So sushi and board games was a great success, although there was more sushi and only one bout of apples to apples, I don't think anyone was complaining.  It was an interesting mix of people, newer friends because all the old ones are in Flagstaff making videos of hungry trashcans or are in Maryland with their parents. But that's okay,  good times were had by all until later in the evening when it got kind of sketchy and some friends of friends brought this drunk woman from Wild Wings whom I actually never met but sure am glad I smudged my room after she left! Of course, I never met her, saw her face, maybe I shouldn't judge? But if you gate crash someone's birthday party it's always nice to introduce yourself, and if not that then by all means set up shop in basement den, turning it into some sort of post hotwings and beer harem.  Just please, remember, even in your drunken state to send proceeds to said birthdayer because getting old is expensive and if you're going to be a jerk at least pay me to put up with your shit. I don't think said person got the memo.

Anyway the point is, immediately she started seducing the more vulnerable of my guests, so I was told.... by that I mean the friends of friends with less than stellar behavior. (It takes two to tank a party I guess) There was also a shouting match on my lawn at 1:30 am, I'm sure all my neighbors now think I am a degenerate. Wild accusations abounded, and a certain member of the party thought anything with a pulse was hot and was very careful to not let his high carbon steal blade get wet (it rusts easily) which provided much fodder later for me, and the realization that I am never leaving left over liquor near Joe's brother again, beer is so much milder. But without liquor there would also not be this extraordinary entertainment in the midst of which you would say to yourself, "Sure am glad Tina turns 25 today, asshole."

The next day I was very exhausted, and watched Scrubs and then Bella and I went over to Maddy and LeAnne's place and had a crafternoon. They made mosaic tiles and I made postcards to send out West.  Hopefully this artistic endeavor will not end up in a hungry trashcan disguised as a cupcake.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


I am writing this before I head out the door. Got about 10 minutes.  Had a great pre-birthday with a massage from Thea, and then sushi lunch with mom and Thea and birthday goodies. Later that night I met Amy and gf Liz at the Chocolate Lounge where I had mocha stout butter cream frosting chocolate shavings birthday slice complete with candle! And we shared a beer float and two truffles! Amy is moving to Florida today for a biology research thing.
I am excited about the camera and 1/2 plane ticket I got from Liz post-departure, which as soon as the financial aid boom hits in February I am going to invest in a ticket to California! My travel there will be much shorter, hopefully like 7 hours and not 7 days.

Now I am going to the salon which I have told no one its my birthday. Tonight Joe is taking me out to dinner and a movie. We are thinking of trying a new place like Scratch or just a place we haven't been before like Salsa's or Table or Kubo.

Then Sunday there is sushi rolling board game party. Hopefully anyone left in town who hasn't moved away or vacationed will attend.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years Blah blah blah

So New Year's was something of a bust, although I did give it the college try and bought liquor and champagne. However, I was alone most of the day with Pablo and Bella, outside of running around trying to purchase said booze.  I set up my bread maker.  I think that was my largest New Year's accomplishment. I didn't even open the bottle of Prosecco.  New Year's is kind of anti-climatic if there is no one there to drink with you -- although I'm sure Bella would be kind enough to try my mixed drinks and champagne, but with "mixed" results if you know what I mean.  I did get a drunk dial from Liz in Texas around one. In Texas, as in central time, it was just about to be midnight.  I think we had a meaningful conversation about Austin, porch fans, and her password to her Skype account -- which I made up so you know it's utter genius.

  Joe worked until nine and then left this morning at eight. C'est la vie.  I am inviting my mother over tonight for split pea soup that after talking for days about Joe making it, it is I, Tina, who has taken up the task.

I also was going to attempt to make a challah bread to go with the soup, although I don't know if they really go together as I am pretty sure the Jews don't eat ham.

And I am going to join the YMCA.  That is my New Year's resolution, to join the YMCA.  I feel like asking myself to exercise or put a definitive goal would be too much pressure so I am instead asking myself to join a christian organization with work-out machines. Who knows, maybe treadmills get you closer to God.