So sushi and board games was a great success, although there was more sushi and only one bout of apples to apples, I don't think anyone was complaining. It was an interesting mix of people, newer friends because all the old ones are in Flagstaff making videos of hungry trashcans or are in Maryland with their parents. But that's okay, good times were had by all until later in the evening when it got kind of sketchy and some friends of friends brought this drunk woman from Wild Wings whom I actually never met but sure am glad I smudged my room after she left! Of course, I never met her, saw her face, maybe I shouldn't judge? But if you gate crash someone's birthday party it's always nice to introduce yourself, and if not that then by all means set up shop in basement den, turning it into some sort of post hotwings and beer harem. Just please, remember, even in your drunken state to send proceeds to said birthdayer because getting old is expensive and if you're going to be a jerk at least pay me to put up with your shit. I don't think said person got the memo.
Anyway the point is, immediately she started seducing the more vulnerable of my guests, so I was told.... by that I mean the friends of friends with less than stellar behavior. (It takes two to tank a party I guess) There was also a shouting match on my lawn at 1:30 am, I'm sure all my neighbors now think I am a degenerate. Wild accusations abounded, and a certain member of the party thought anything with a pulse was hot and was very careful to not let his high carbon steal blade get wet (it rusts easily) which provided much fodder later for me, and the realization that I am never leaving left over liquor near Joe's brother again, beer is so much milder. But without liquor there would also not be this extraordinary entertainment in the midst of which you would say to yourself, "Sure am glad Tina turns 25 today, asshole."
The next day I was very exhausted, and watched Scrubs and then Bella and I went over to Maddy and LeAnne's place and had a crafternoon. They made mosaic tiles and I made postcards to send out West. Hopefully this artistic endeavor will not end up in a hungry trashcan disguised as a cupcake.
Wow! And I thought getting older was tough. I had no idea.
ReplyDeleteOn the bright side, if your neighbors think your some sketchy alchy on the brink of some violent drunken outburst at any hour of the day, maybe they'll bother you a little less about where and how your car is parked... Yeah, maybe that Wild Wing incident is just the kind of event you need to develop street cred on Coleman Ave.