So New Year's was something of a bust, although I did give it the college try and bought liquor and champagne. However, I was alone most of the day with Pablo and Bella, outside of running around trying to purchase said booze. I set up my bread maker. I think that was my largest New Year's accomplishment. I didn't even open the bottle of Prosecco. New Year's is kind of anti-climatic if there is no one there to drink with you -- although I'm sure Bella would be kind enough to try my mixed drinks and champagne, but with "mixed" results if you know what I mean. I did get a drunk dial from Liz in Texas around one. In Texas, as in central time, it was just about to be midnight. I think we had a meaningful conversation about Austin, porch fans, and her password to her Skype account -- which I made up so you know it's utter genius.
Joe worked until nine and then left this morning at eight. C'est la vie. I am inviting my mother over tonight for split pea soup that after talking for days about Joe making it, it is I, Tina, who has taken up the task.
I also was going to attempt to make a challah bread to go with the soup, although I don't know if they really go together as I am pretty sure the Jews don't eat ham.
And I am going to join the YMCA. That is my New Year's resolution, to join the YMCA. I feel like asking myself to exercise or put a definitive goal would be too much pressure so I am instead asking myself to join a christian organization with work-out machines. Who knows, maybe treadmills get you closer to God.
if youre trying to get closer to God, then the stairmaster works twice as fast as the treadmill. and from what I hear your soup was delicious.
hapoo noo yaor., roob