Wednesday, February 18, 2009

sick day

Today I had a sick day. I could feel something coming on yesterday, but thought maybe it was just dry air.  But as I tossed and turned all night I realized I was coming down with something.  So instead I stayed in today, but it was a close call as Wednesdays are one of my shorter days I almost justified a six hour school day plus gym as not that tough. But waking up was hard enough so I did myself a favor and I am happy to report that I am glad I did. It was a mental health day as much as a sick day I think since my life lately has been, to put it mildly, complicated.

So watched Lie to Me, The Office, some youtube stuff, chatted with a beauty school friend and drank hot tea and even got in a hot bath in our newly scrubbed out bathroom thanks to Ashley.

Am tired of the mouth breathing though, my lips are really dry. Bummer dude.

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